Chasing Life (ABC Family)

“Chasing Life” is a new 1-hour drama set to premiere on June 10, 2014. The ABC Family series stars Italia Ricci as April, a smart, aspiring young journalist who tries to balance her ambitious career with family, including widowed mom Sara (Mary Page Keller) and rebellious little sister Brenna (Haley Ramm). Just as April’s work and personal life are beginning to blossom, she lands in the hospital and learns the devastating news that she has cancer. The series follows April through her journey in the face of this daunting revelation, during a time in her life when the challenges of finding love and success would be enough to keep any girl occupied. But April is determined to fight and refuses to give up her dreams and goals. Along the way, she’ll find new reserves of strength and passion within and discover that facing death may really be the only way to truly live.

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